
Goal setting and planning


Goals are a key element of effective learning and performance. Learn the anatomy of good goals and how to actually achieve them.


  • Elements of great goal setting

    Goals guide our actions and motivate us. In this lesson, you will learn what good goals are and how they can improve your productivity.

  • How to break your goals into subgoals and tasks

    A good objective can be broken down into sub-objectives, which are then transferred to the task list in appropriately sized chunks. Learn how here.

  • Long-term planning

    A long-term plan will make your time management more efficient and relieve stress if done well. Learn how to plan effectively.

  • Daily planning

    One thing unites every human being. Our days include 24 hours. If you know how to plan your day properly, you won't waste this most precious asset.

  • Basics of time tracking

    Self-leadership is power. Self-leadership with knowledge is superiority. The best way to know what you are achieving is to monitor your time regularly.